My wish list for seniors

December 29, 2017

Well, Santa’s come and gone for 2017. But I figured I should submit this wish list now, because Santa’s going to need a head start to get through it. Not sure he’ll get it all done by next Christmas.

  • Enough long term care for all who need it, so we don’t have to languish in hospital beds or die on the wait list. And affordable assisted living or home support, so we can age in our own homes and stay out of institutions as long as possible.
  • Someone to please sell some decent clothes for seniors.
  • A ban on anti-aging products. Stop flogging all that snake oil, just let us age naturally.
  • Strong senior representation in neighbourhood associations, to make our local neighbourhoods senior-friendly.
  • A single umbrella group with clout that represents and advocates forcefully for seniors’ needs and interests to governments, businesses and service agencies.
  • Appropriate social and recreational programming to cater to seniors of different ages, needs and abilities.
  • Professional financial trustee services, for people who can’t manage their finances themselves anymore and don’t have anyone to do it for them. Trust companies currently make these services available only to millionaires.
  • Affordable glasses, hearing aids, dental care, wheelchairs and smart phones.
  • Enough geriatricians and gerontological nurses and social workers to meet the burgeoning demand.
  • An end to widespread public acceptance of ageism, a form of discrimination that still gets a free pass in our society.