A big thank you to the Toronto Star, which highlighted Senior Toronto in their article on hidden experts last Sunday. I hope the article helps more seniors find their way to this site. And I especially hope that it starts a conversation about this dream of mine:
I think it's time the whole community got together to make Toronto a more senior-friendly city. We seniors should play a big role, but we need all the other players at the table too. The city government has made a start with its seniors strategy, but that's just for city services. What about everyone else? Colleges, universities, the school board, senior centres, arts organizations, businesses, urban planners - the rest of the community has to play a role too. Here's what we have to do. We need a community organization that represents Toronto seniors, so that we have a way for everyone to sit down at the table and talk. Together, we need to create a plan for a truly senior-friendly Toronto. Then we need to make it happen.