Adult day program, apartment building with affordable housing for seniors, assisted transportation, beginners’ Mandarin, bistro, book club, bridge, building bones and balance, caregiver support, carpet bowling, case management, chair yoga, Chinese dancercise, computer club, computer training, creative arts, day trips, diabetes prevention and management, discussion group, documentary film club, English conversation group, falls prevention, French conversation, friendly visiting in person or by phone or email, fruit and vegetable box delivery, gentle fit, hand crafts group, help placing and receiving Grocery Gateway orders, home maintenance, home support, hospice services, information and referral, lawn care, line dance, long term care, mah jongg, mature driver refresh workshop, meals on wheels, men’s shed, mindfulness meditation, movies, Nia fit, paper craft, photography club, snow removal, social work, socials, Spanish conversation, special events, strength and stretch, tai chi, telephone security checks, therapeutic touch.